
Accepted papers to VIS 24

Posted: Aug 2024

The Vis.C has had two papers accepted to the VIS 24 conference. Florida, here we come! Derya Akbaba, Lauren Klein, Miriah Meyer: Entanglements for Visualization: Changing Research Outcomes through Feminist Theory. Tobias Kauer, Derya Akbaba, Marian Dörk, Benjamin Bach: Discursive Patinas: Anchoring Discussions in Data Visualizations.

Acceptances to Info+

Posted: Sep 2023

We’ve had two presentations accepted to the Information+ 2024 conference. Edinburgh, here we come! Myrto Dagkouli-Kyriakoglou: The Butterfly at the End of the Universe Tobias Kauer and akbaba: I Was Here: Digital Traces as Design Material

Accepted papers to VIS 23

Posted: Jun 2023

The Vis.C has had two papers accepted to the IEEE VIS 23 conference. Melbourne, here we come! akbaba and meyer: “Two Heads are Better than One”: Pair-Interviews for Visualization. Conny Walchshofer, Vaishali Dhanoa, Marc Streit, and meyer: Transitioning to a Commercial Dashboarding System: Socio-technical Observations and Opportunities.

Vis.C heads to CHI in Hamburg

Posted: Apr 2023

Derya, Charles, and Miriah headed to Hamburg for the CHI 2023 conference (on overnight trains!). We had a wonderful and inspiring time catching up with lots of visualization researchers, hosting a visualization meet-up, and presenting new work. Derya presented her paper Troubling Collaboration: Matters of Care for Visualization Design Study....

Acceptance to Nordic STS

Posted: Mar 2023

Myrto has had a presentation accepted to the Nordic STS 2023 conference. She will present in the panel: Academic collaboration as an experiment.

Charles receives a CHI 2023 honorable mention

Posted: Mar 2023

Congratulations to Charles for receiving an honorable mention for his forthcoming CHI 23 paper Dirty Data in the Newsroom: Comparing Data Preparation in Journalism and Data Science. This work is in collaboration with Stephen Kasica and Tamara Munzner from the University of British Columbia. Congrats Charles!

Accepted papers to CHI 23

Posted: Jan 2023

The Vis.C has had two papers accepted to the CHI 23 conference. Hamburg, here we come! akbaba, Devin Lange, Michael Correll, Alex Lex, and meyer: Troubling Collaboration: Matters of Care for Visualization Design Study. Stephen Kasica, berret, and Tamara Munzner: Dirty Data in the Newsroom: Comparing Data Preparation in Journalism...